Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sample Book Report

Ms. Student
Mr. Scandrett
English 12th
May 13, 2012
Fatalism in Slaughterhouse-Five
            The events that happen in our life are all the effects of the choices that we make. One can choose to do something and this choice will affect the course of their life. Everything in life has been established and people simply choose a path that they wish to follow. There are many outcomes from a choice that one makes, but only one course will occur. Despite all these choices that we make there is one inevitable thing that we can never change and its death. The novel “Slaughterhouse-Five” by Kurt Vonnegut, tells the reader that in order to face death one must embrace fatalism.       
            “Slaughterhouse-Five” relates the entire life of Billy Pilgrim. He is a normal man that amazingly has the ability to time travel. He jumps to different moments in his life and has no control over this extraordinary ability. The wonders of his life are not limited to time traveling. He is abducted by aliens and taken to their planet, Trafalmadore, where he learns a whole new philosophy on time and death. This philosophy eventually helps Billy cope with life after the devastating fire-bombing of Dresden, where tens of thousands of people died. In this novel, Billy learns how to embrace fatalism and accept his death without remorse. His acceptance of this new philosophy is seen through the following quote “I Billy Pilgrim, the tape begins, will die, have died and always will die on February 13, 1976 (Vonnegut, 70).”  He then proceeds to describe other details of his death.  Even though he knows how and when his death takes place he makes no attempt to prevent it. Billy Pilgrim learns through his experience that fatalism is inevitable. 
            A major plot of this novel is the firebombing of Dresden. The reader would expect to have some sort of hero in the story. On the contrary the reader is presented with Billy Pilgrim. He is weak, fearful, incompetent and shy. He is a weak character in mind and in body. In attempt to teach him how to swim his father throws him into a pool but Billy prefers to sink rather than swim, revealing his weak character and mind; he makes no attempt to even try to swim. (43) He is weak in body that he is described as a filthy flamingo. (33) “Saved your life again...Weary said to Billy […] It was absolutely necessary that cruelty be used because Billy would not do anything to save himself. Billy wanted to quit (34).”  Through this quote one can see how weak in mind and body Billy is. Billy did not have enough will power to continue on with the hardships presented to him. He needed a constant force to push him to try and work harder. The novel presents the reader with a weak character with a purpose. This reveals how even the weakest person can eventually face death. 
            The novel is written in a very unique manner. It has no regard for chronological order; there is no linear progression. Everything is presented as a whole. Regardless of the fragmented format Billy Pilgrim's life the book still ends the same way and fulfills its purpose. This reveals that everything is already planned and chronological order has no effect on how things result. In the beginning of the novel the ending is revealed to the reader. “It ends like this: Poo-tee-weet (22) ?”  This shows that regardless of the events that take place, the end of the novel will end the same way. The ending of the novel has been set and nothing can change it. The following quote, “He came slightly unstuck  in time, saw the late movies backwards, then forwards again. It was a movie about American bombers in Second World War and the gallant man who flew it (74).”  proves that the order in which events happen have no influence on the bigger occurrences. No matter how Billy Pilgrim views the movie, the purpose of the movie was to show the war to its viewers.
            The war in the novel symbolizes death and the inevitability of change. Billy Pilgrim had no choice but to go to war. “The bombing of Dresden was a great tragedy none can deny […] ponder on the fate of Dresden, where 135,000 people died as the result of an attack with conventional weapons (93).” This quote shows us a part of the war and the number of casualties from the bombing. This event is something that nobody had the power to change. As much as people disagree with it, it still happened. The war represents the events in life that are inevitable. Despite the efforts that people make, the war was still bound to happen. At first Billy Pilgrim tried to avoid and even escape, but as he time traveled and spent time with the Trafalmadorians he learned that change was inevitable. Billy does not know why there must be such atrocious disaster, but he still makes no objections to it, revealing his acceptance of the things that happen.
            Another symbol in the novel are the horses. “[…] that the horses' mouths were bleeding, gashed by bits, that the horses' hooves were broken, so that every step meant agony, that the horses were insane with thirst. The Americans treated their form of transportation as though it were no more sensitive than a six-cylinder Chevrolet (96).” The horses represent how people embrace fatalism. The horses were in terrible pain from the way they were treated yet they simply fulfilled their purpose as means of transportation. They accepted the pain and the suffering that they were going through. Billy Pilgrim had no idea why the war had to take place; he simply obeyed the commands that he was told just like the horses did what they were ordered to do. Billy learned to accept the war as it was without complaining or questioning it. The same way, the horses simply accepted the pain that they were going through. People must simply accept the circumstances because anything that they do to try to change the events will be useless. 
            The prayer on Montana Widhack's, a mistress of Billy on the Trafalmadorian planet, locket is another example of symbolism. It said the following “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom always to tell the difference (102). ” This reveals that people want to have the chance to choose their fate and take control over their lives. Although people want to be able to take control they cannot. Every choice that they make has already been decided for them, it is not a choice, and the choice that people make is just an illusion.
            The phrase “Poo-tee-weet (105)?”  is the last phrase in the book. It symbolizes the end of life, a fate that everyone has. It represents the speechlessness of the people. There is nothing interesting or good to say about war and all negative talk about war is also useless. It will not change anything, because the war has already been destined to happen. “We know how the Universe ends  […] A Trafalmadorian test pilot presses a starter button, and the whole Universe disappears.  […] He has always pressed it, and he always will. We always let him and we always will let him. The moment is structured that way (57).”  The Trafalmadorians know that it is not possible to prevent the destruction of the Universe so they simply allow this course of action to happen. The death of everything is certain so there is no point stopping it from happening. No one can completely understand death. Despite the many encounters with death, Billy still cannot fully understand why it happens. Billy only faces death after he's been in Trafalmadore and learned their philosophy on time and death.
            The death of many characters in the book is ironic. “He […] drafted for military service in the Second World War. His father died in a hunting accident (24).” This passage shows death of Billy Pilgrim's father is ironic, because he is shot during a hunting trip.  His father is the predator during this hunting trip but he ends up dying.  Billy is overcoming the death of a loved one while at war. He has to kill in order to survive but is also hurt by the death of his father. This irony shows that nobody has control of what happens to them. Billy did not have any control over what happened to him and fate took him to war right after his father dies. Another ironic thing that occurs is that Billy Pilgrim survives the war, despite his weakness. Billy survives the war by taking refuge in a meat house. The location in which he takes refuge is a place where killing and death also take place and this is the place where he finds safety. His survival reveals that fate had other things planned for him. He survived the war to tell other people about his adventure in Trafalmadore. Through the ironies in the death of the characters, it is revealed that no one has the ability to change anything. 
            The acceptance of death throughout the book is shown through the phrase “so it goes” This phrase is mentioned after every death in the story. “There used to be a dog Spot, but he died. So it goes (32).”  “There were hundreds of corpse mines operating by and by.  […] But then the bodies rotted and liquefied, and the stink was like roses and mustard gas. So it goes (105).”  These two passage show the all the deaths in the novel were considered equal, whether it was a natural death, an accidental or an intentional death. This phrase allows the reader to accept the death as something unavoidable and as something normal. At the same time though the repetition of the phrase allows the reader to see all the death that occurs and the inevitability of death. 
            Through Billy Pilgrim and his experience in the war and in Trafalmadore the reader can see that everything in life has been predestined and one must accept the fact that nothing can be changed. Since everything has been predestined, then death is simply another part of life. Billy Pilgrim comes to realize this which is why he is at peace. He faces death and makes no attempt to change it. Once a person realizes that they can do nothing to change the events that are to happen, they will also be able to accept death much more easily.

Grammar 17/20  
Intro 10/10
Body 10/10
Conclusion 10/10
Analysis 33/35
Critical Thinking 15/15


Study Guide

9th Grade Study Guide
Be familiar with all of the following stories/journals.  How do they connect to one-another?  The test will not have any surprises.  What we covered in class will be covered on the test.  Yes, you need to be familiar with all the vocabulary (from units 1-8).  Also, remember the important parts of a paper.  What parts of a paper help you organize/clarify?

Terms/Literary Devices

Journal 16: Slam, Dunk, & Hook; The Spearthrower; Shoulders
Read pages 198-201.  Slam, Dunk, & Hook by Kumunyakaa; The Spearthrower by Morrison, and Shoulders by Nye.  What are some poetic devices you see in the poems? How do they add to the meaning or feeling of the poem?  Explain how you can use such poetic devices to add to your own poetry.  3 quotes minimum. When you are referring to a particular poetic device (type of figurative language) make sure you identify which line and which story the poetic device comes from.

Journal 15: Old Man of the Temple by R.K. Narayan
Read pages 176-181.  Then answer the journal question with a response of at least 3/4 page.
How does the narrator pursue understanding (try to talk to Doss) rather than acting on what he sees as "normal" (Doss is crazy)?  Why do you think Doss is disillusioned?  Do you think the narrator is a "rational man" or a "feeling man"?  Why?  Give at least 2 quotes from the story.  Explain your answers.   

Journal 14: The Road Not Taken by Frost and The Road Not Taken by Angelou
Read pages 166-170.  Compare how the two others describe the journey of life.  How are their experiences/views similar and different?  Give at least 2 quotes.

Journal 13: The Golden Kite, the Silver Wind
Read pages 152-156.  Do you think the people made the right decision in following the Mandarins advice?  What is the moral of the story?  What symbols are evident in the story.

Journal 10 and 11: The Birds by Daphne du Maurier
Read pages 47-55. What predictions can you make? : The Birds
Read pages 56-64.  What diction (word choice) does the author use to show that Nat is nervous about the birds violent and erratic behavior?  What are some details that are mentioned that could foreshadow what is to come?  Can you recall a time you were scared and other people were unsympathetic? bout the birds and Nat Hocken?  What do you think could cause such a change in the birds nature? 

Journal 8 and 9: The Red-Headed League
Finish the story (page 99).  What details did Holmes observe that helped him solve the case?  What were some clues Watson (and you) overlooked?  How did Doyle create suspense in his short story? Provide at least 2 quotes from the textRead until page 92 at the end of the first paragraph. Where is says, "...introspect. Come along!"
The journal question is...Describe Holmes and Watson's interaction.  What do you think about Holmes actions and words?  What details give you clues about the Red-headed League? Explain. Use at least 2 quotes.

Journal 7:
A woman was having a baby and there are complications. She goes unconscious.  Then you (the doctor) must make a decision.  If you do not abort (kill) the baby the woman will die.  If you do abort (kill) the baby the woman will most likely live.    What do you do?  Which ethical perspective correlates most with your view (either utilitarian or moral)?  Why did you make this choice?

Journal 6: The Most Dangerous Game
What does Rainsford do to escape and ultimately win the game?  Was what he did right or wrong?  Explain using 2 examples (quotes) from the text.

Journal 5: The Cask of Amontillado and A Tell-Tale Heart
After reading The Cask of Amontillado and A Tell-Tale Heart write a reflective journal on the theme of revenge/violence.1. Based on the stories: What caused revenge/violence?  What were the benefits?
2. Based upon your experience: What are the consequences of revenge/violence?

Journal 4: The Lottery by Shirley Jackson. Read The Lottery and relate the story to the Hunger Games. How might Suzanne Collins have been inspired by this story?  Or, relate the The Lottery to the Bible. How might The Lottery have been inspired by the Bible?

Journal 3: Read "I Have a Dream" pg 140. Answer the question:   What is the tone of the speech? 

Journal 2: Read "On The Sidewalk Bleeding" by Evan Hunter.1.  What does the main character discover about himself?2. What is the tone of the story?

Journal 1 Nelson Mandela speech pg 443-445 in textbook. What is the tone of this speech?  What specific words demonstrate the tone?

Vocabulary Unit 1-8

Unit 1
Admonish           breach                  brigand                 circumspect        commandeer     deadlock              debris                   diffuse                  dilemma              efface   muddle                                opinionated       perennial             predispose         relinquish                salvage                 spasmodic           spurious               unbridled

Unit 2
Adjourn                               alien                      comely                 compensate                       dissolute              erratic
Expulsion             feint                      fodder                         fortify            illegible     jeer        Lucrative         mediocre             proliferate                subjugate            sully       tantalize     terse       unflinching 

Unit 3
Abridge                                adherent             altercation          cherubic               condone              dissent                 eminent                exorcise               fabricate              irate       marauder            obesity                
Pauper                 pilfer     rift          semblance          surmount            terminate            trite       usurp

Unit 4 abscond  access   anarchy                                arduous               auspicious           biased   daunt    disentangle
Fated    hoodwink            inanimate            incinerate            intrepid                                larceny                 pliant
Pompous             precipice              rectify   reprieve               revile

Unit 5    accomplice          annihilate            arbitrary               brazen  catalyst exodus facilitate incorrigible
Latent   militant                 morose                                opaque                                paramount         prattle  rebut     reprimand
Servitude            slapdash              stagnant              succumb

Unit 6    atone    bondage              credible                defray   diligent doleful                  ghastly                  hamper
Hew       impoverished    incessant             intricate               lucid       posthumous      prim       sardonic
Superfluous       supplant              taunt     tenacious

Unit 7 adieu        advent  apex      assimilate            bogus    exorbitant           interim inundate              malign
Meander             metropolis          momentous       obstreperous    pensive                                perilous                shoddy
Sprightly              surly      tirade    vagrant

Unit 8 assurance               asylum                  console                                dilate     dross     dwindle                                flippant
Immunity            institute               liability                  preposterous    pugnacious         rabid      realm
Rejuvenate        remunerate       sparse                   sterling                 venture                                warp

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Group 1: Andres, Anderson, Carolina Kim, Giuli A
Group 2: Damaris, Alexandra, Tanzi G, Angelo,
Group 3: Helena, Alexia, Lukas S, Arvey, Samantha,
Group 4: Celia, Samuel, Nathan, Giuli O

You can choose from the following poets in the group.  Research a bit of their identity (for the poet you choose, write one paragraph) and then choose one poem from one of the poets which you will share with your group. After everyone in the group has read choose one person to read from your group that person will read to the class. READ IT WITH EMOTION.  IF you can find an audio recording listen to how it is read. This will be a mini-slam poetry competition. :)

Group 1: Langston Hughes, Roger Bonair-Agard,  and Yusef Komunyakaa,mod=7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Group 2: Naomi Shinab Nye, Khalil Gibran, Anis Mojgani

Group 3: Ko Un, Korean Poets, Kim Chi-Ha, Ed Mabrey.

Ko Un,mod=7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Group 4: Josefina Pla, Walt Whitman, Paraguayan Poets, the following poets were finalists in the National Poetry Slam this year i the USA:  Thuli Zuma, Melissa May and Seth Walker

Josefina Pla

SSR Reading: Page Count

Arza: 374
Benavides Corzo: 0
Cardona: 395
Donahue: 669
Gomez Occampos: 274
Jara Rojas: 513
Jun: 291
Kim Han: 445
Kim: 410
Lee: 405
Oneto Molinas: 625
Recalde: 519
Segovia: 390
Su Tai: 0
Yang Chae: 126

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Journal 16: Slam, Dunk, & Hook; The Spearthrower; Shoulders

Read pages 198-201.  Slam, Dunk, & Hook by Kumunyakaa; The Spearthrower by Morrison, and Shoulders by Nye.  What are some poetic devices you see in the poems? How do they add to the meaning or feeling of the poem?  Explain how you can use such poetic devices to add to your own poetry.  3 quotes minimum.

When you are referring to a particular poetic device (type of figurative language) make sure you identify which line and which story the poetic device comes from.

3/4 page.